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L A Shannon
Feb 22, 2023
In Continued Education Class
Holman Christian Standard Bible God Warns Noah __ Chapter 6 verses 9, 11,14 and 17 Entering the Ark __ Chapter 7 verses1 - 10 The Flood __ Chapter 7 verses 11 - 15 Revelation of Text: Definitions Yes: yes. / (jɛs) / sentence substitute. used to express acknowledgment, affirmation, consent, agreement, or approval or to answer when one is addressed. used, often with interrogative intonation, to signal someone to speak or keep speaking, enter a room, or do something. * TEAKWOOD Teak is known for its incredible durability and water resistance. Teak has a high oil content, giving it the highest decay-resistance among all natural wood products. Teak is used for boat building, yachts, exterior construction, indoor and outdoor furniture, veneer, carvings, frames, and more. * The Hebrew word used for applying the pitch is “kaphar” which means to “cover,” the implication being that the Ark was completely covered, both above and below the water line, inside and out. * Revelation of Text: Meaning God gave Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark, after telling him what he would do to the earth. * With the instructions God gave, Noah’s response was with his actions. He obeyed. Through his obedience, he told God YES!!! * The YES Noah gave to God saved humanity and the animals to replenish the earth. * Imagine is Noah didn't give God that YES, who knows what be happening today. * My question is what is God telling you and he's waiting on a YES from you? * God is waiting on our YES!!! * Only God knows the end result of that YES you give him.
L A Shannon
Feb 22, 2023
In Continued Education Class
Scripture Text: In this world you will have trouble, but take heart - I have overcome the world. I have told you these things, so that in me you will have Peace. Revelation of Text: Trouble may come at anytime and in various ways in our lives. Loss of employment ... we may doubt 2. Loss of Loved one ... we may doubt 3. Relationship problems ... we worry 4. A serious health issue arises ... faith tested 5. Any many ways. God does not bring or send Trouble upon us, but He will allows it. During these times God knows these trails will strengthen you and push you out of yourself, to reach out to Him and other people of faith.
L A Shannon
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