Post & Floor Plans
Pray Over Your Post
Deacons are expected to cover designated post positions within the Sanctuary, Lobby, Balcony and Destiny World for children.
Every deacon should know all the post positions if called upon to serve on any given Sunday.

Sweeper Team Leader: Covers Altar during Altar Call. Oversees the Floor Operations.
#1 Step Detail - watch the steps and act as security to the Altar during Altar Call on North
#2 Go to the Altar for Altar Call on the Northside. Secure the north exit doors for walking.
#2 Lobby for late offering during the Altar Call. Secure the East exit door for walking.
#3 The Deacon that goes to pew 5 will act as security during the Altar Call at pew five.
#3 The second Deacon goes to pew 13. Will stop walking during the Altar Call.
Both Deacons Lobby for late Offering during the Altar Call
#3 Need two additional Deacons
#4 Captain station at this Post. Lobby for late offering
#5 The Deacon that goes to pew five will act as security during the Altar Call
#5 The second Deacon will go to the Altar for Altar Call on the Northside
Both Deacons Lobby for late offering during the Altar Call..
#5 Need two additional Deacons
#6 Go to the Altar for Altar Call on the Southside
#6 Lobby for late offering during the Altar Call
#7 Step Detail - watch the steps and act as security to the Altar during Altar Call on South.
#7 Go to the Altar Call on the Southside.
#7 Go to the Altar Call on the Southside
#8 Captain station at this Post. At the Altar during Altar Call
Total 20 MEN

#1 Sweeper Captain.
#2 Captain at top of balcony.
Monitor restrooms
#2 Bottom of rail on stairs.
Remain at post until Sermon is read.
#3 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering.
#4 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering.
#5 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to during Song before offering.
#6 Captain gives signals.
Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering.
#7 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering.
#8 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering
#9 Early Post at balcony rail.
Move up to Top during Song before offering
#10 Captain at top of balcony.
Monitor restrooms
#11 Bottom of rail on stairs.
Remain at post until Sermon is read.
#11 Open until Offering time.
Fill post from #10
#12 Upper deck
#13 Upper deck
#14 Upper deck
#15 Upper deck
#16 Upper deck
#17 Upper deck